Vedeli ste, že hranie spoločenských hier môže byť skvelým spôsobom, ako sa vaše dieťa môže naučiť angličtinu? Dlhé zimné večery nám už klopú na dvere a preto sme pre vás s radosťou pripravili novú dávku jazykovej inšpirácie na spoločenské hry. Tieto hry zaručene zabavia celú rodinu, ale zároveň pomôžu vašim deťom rozšíriť si slovnú zásobu a zlepšiť ich komunikačné schopnosti v angličtine. Pri hraní sa deti naučia nové slová a frázy úplne prirodzene, a to všetko formou hry.
V tomto článku vám predstavím 5 skvelých hier, ktoré sme vyskúšali s našimi deťmi a k tomu bohatú slovnú zásobu, ktorú môžete pri ich hraní využiť. Tieto hry zaručene rozprúdia detskú fantáziu a spríjemnia vám spoločné chvíle. 🙂
1. Človeče nehnevaj sa (Ludo)
➡️ Can you help me set up the board?
➡️ Choose a color and take four tokens.
➡️ I want to play with green tokens.
➡️ Put tokens on a starting base.
➡️ Player with the highest roll goes first – sounds good?
➡️ Now, take the dice and roll it.
➡️ How many did you get? Great, you can move your token 4 spaces forward. Let’s count together: one, two, three…
➡️ We take turns. Now it’s my turn. Pass me the dice.
➡️ Oh no, you’re landing on the same space as another token. See, there’s already one there.
➡️ That means you have to send it back to the start. I’m sorry.
➡️ Wow, you rolled a six, lucky you. That means you get to roll again.
➡️ You are almost home now.
➡️ Who is the winner? Congratulations, you won! You made it to the home base. I have lost. You beat me.
2. Pexeso (Memory game)
➡️ Do you want to play a memory game?
➡️ Shuffle the cards and put them face down on the table.
➡️ We will take turns turning over two cards at a time.
➡️ If the pictures match, you keep the pair.
➡️ If they don’t match, you turn them back over face down.
➡️ Which cards do you want to turn over?
➡️ What have you found? Do the pictures match?
➡️ Great job! You successfully found a pair.
➡️ These cards do not match.
➡️ Who has the most cards?
➡️ It’s a tie.
➡️ Do you want to play again?
![IMG 0230](
3. Dobble
➡️ You have to find the same picture on two different cards as quickly as possible.
➡️ Each card has many pictures, but only one picture matches with another card.
➡️ I will place one card in the middle of the table.
➡️ Look at your card and the card in the middle. Try to find the matching picture and say it out loud.
➡️ You are so fast.
➡️ You found it first.
➡️ You can take the card from the middle. The card is yours.
➡️ All cards are gone.
➡️ Who is the winner? Let’s count our cards to see.
➡️ Who has the most cards? Would you like to have another round?
4. Hady a rebríky (Snakes and ladders)
➡️ Let’s play Snakes and Ladders. The first person to reach the highest square wins.
➡️ Ladders will help you climb up, but snakes will slide you down.
➡️ Put your counter on the start base and roll the dice.
➡️ The player with the highest number goes first.
➡️ Roll the dice, and move forward. We’ll take turns.
➡️ Now it’s your turn to roll the dice. Move your counter five spaces forward.
➡️ You landed at the bottom of a ladder. Now you can climb to the top with your counter. You can take a shortcut and move up.
➡️ Oh no, you landed on the head of a snake! Slide your counter down to the bottom of its tail. You fell down.
➡️ You’re the winner! You got to the home square first.
![IMG 0214](
5. Puzzle
➡️ Let’s open the puzzle box! Wow, look at all these pieces. Let’s build this together!
➡️ Some puzzle pieces are upside down. Let’s turn them over so we can see them better.
➡️ Which piece do you think goes here? Can you find the piece with the paw print?
➡️ Look for the piece with the paw print. Does it fit here?
➡️ Let’s connect these pieces together.
➡️ I like how you’re trying. You did a great job!
➡️ I found this one! Does it fit here?
➡️ What’s the next piece we need?
➡️ This one doesn’t fit. Let’s try another.
➡️ The puzzle is finished! Let’s check the picture. It’s so cool!
➡️ Do you want to start over or try a different puzzle? Let’s put it together again.
Na záver vám pripájam jeden tip na našu obľúbenú kartovú hru. Hra má jednoduché pravidlá a rýchle tempo, takže sa pri nej nikdy nenudíme. Aj táto hra ponúka množstvo príležitostí na rozprávanie a precvičovanie angličtiny v kontexte.
Pre chlapcov: Útok pirátov
Pre dievčatá: Čarodejnice
Poďte s nami objavovať svet zábavného učenia angličtiny so spoločenskými hrami, ktoré sú zárukou dobrej nálady a jazykového pokroku.
Have fun! 🙂